Acupuncture and ThetaHealing Offered at Mystic Healing Paths

Jason Wechs
Jason Wechs, L.Ac., of Mystic Healing Paths, offers many unique healing classes, modalities and services at his Tucson office, including acupuncture, ThetaHealing, Sheng Zhen qigong classes, medical qigong, craniosacral therapy and Reiki.
Classes are offered on topics including: ThetaHealing, basic DNA, advanced DNA, manifesting, healing your relationship to money, healing relationships and group heart chakra opening.
“ThetaHealing, for instance, helps to release old sabotaging beliefs that are keeping people stuck repeating the same patterns, and replaces them with the beliefs that will bring the things you want into your life,” explains Wechs. “The ‘healing your relationship to money’ class and relationships class will both use this technique for change in your life. The group heart chakra opening is a beautiful group acupuncture treatment that brings peaceful and loving energy to everyone involved.”
Location: 145 E. University Blvd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-850-8897, email [email protected] or visit See ad, page 13.