True Wealth and Gratitude

Holly Baker
Each November, thoughts of gratitude and giving thanks spring to mind, and we promise ourselves to be more thankful, more often. This year, we’re also taking a look at what we should really be thankful for—not the amount of money we have or the material things we’ve accumulated, but the love and kindness we earn and give.
Our feature article, “True Wealth”, takes a good look at real affluence, and the importance of spending our days happily and healthfully. When we focus on living a life we love, we reach new levels of happiness, and we have more reasons to be truly grateful.
True beauty is another reason to be grateful. Like me, photographer Greg McCown finds beauty in the nature of stunning Arizona (page 28), and his photographs of lightning strikes in the desert show just how beautiful the natural wonders of the world are—if only we look through the right lens.
Key to both our inner and outer beauty is natural and safe skincare and beauty products. In “Natural Facial Essentials”, on page 26, Linda Sechrist tells us about knowing what is truly in the products we use on our skin, and how to find the safest options for every step of the beauty regimen.
So, this month, and all year long, I implore you to read these helpful and insightful words on our pages, to think about your health and happiness and to be thankful for what you have each and every day. Gratitude breeds more things for which to be grateful, after all.
With all my gratitude,