Everyday Sustainability

Holly Baker
We all try to be as earth-friendly as we can be, but the subject is especially on our minds this month, as we celebrate Earth Day on April 22. Thankfully, Tucson is a “green” place to live, year-round, and this extra packed issue of Natural Awakenings proves it. We are surrounded by local businesses and organizations who have sustainability on their minds 24/7, and for that, I am proud to be a Tucsonan.
Our expansive green section in this issue includes profiles of local businesses that can help you achieve maximum greenness in your home and life, plus other glimpses into local efforts to be sustainable and eco-friendly.
A&E Recycled Granite is making a difference by creating beautiful pieces from pieces of granite and stone that otherwise would have been trashed, right here in Tucson. On page 32, check out this inspiring company that is making a difference—and creating unique pieces that are sure to strike up a conversation with any guests who see this natural stone in your home or yard.
Another Tucson native who is creating beauty from recycled and raw materials is Rebecca Kouchit, who breathes life into so-called “eco-art”. See some of the inspiring pieces she creates, bringing more awareness to eco-friendly art, on page 30.
In the southwest, horses have a big presence. Unfortunately, many of them suffer from improper care, abandonment and abuse, for a multitude of reasons. Nonprofit Happy Equine Acres Rescue & Therapy, or HEART of Tucson, is doing amazing work rescuing horses in need, helping horse owners offset feed expenses, finding new homes for horses and more. Read about this inspiring organization on page 42.
Whether you’re planting a tree, installing more energy-efficient appliances, growing your own food, or otherwise practicing a more sustainable lifestyle, Natural Awakenings of Tucson sends gratitude your way this month. Keep up the great work, Arizona!