Expand the Mind, Soothe the Soul through Floating and Meditation

Kalyn Wolf, owner of Cloud Nine Flotation & Relaxation, now offers a new biofeedback device called The Muse—a headband that detects one’s brainwave activity and records it on a mobile smart device, while teaching how to calm the mind. She offers The Muse mini-session experience with a float, as well as a 20-minute or longer session to try The Muse and to see if it resonates with one’s meditation and health regime.
Wolf is passionate about human potential. She started meditating at 16 through Transcendental Meditation and went to her first “personal growth” seminar at 21. Discovering ways to calm and expand her mind has been her life’s work, which led her to reopen Cloud Nine Flotation & Relaxation Center in September 2015. Flotation, or sensory deprivation tanks, allows the ability to remove oneself from outside sensory influences, which improves quality of life and meditation.
Adding biofeedback to a flotation session not only quantifies the experience of calming the mind, but it teaches one how to get back to that calm mind when needed. Wolf has been using The Muse with clients at Cloud Nine with stunning results. One client walked in with a 14 percent calm mind before his float, and after his float he registered 92 percent.
Location: 2118 S. Avenida Planeta, Tucson. For more information, call 520-668-4017, email [email protected] or visit FloatTucson.com.