Local Change Makers: Sandi Eghtesadi Supports Tucsonans and Military

Mike Varney, President of the Tucson Chamber, Sandi Eghtesadi, Governor Ducey and General Ted Maxwell
Since 1989, Sandi Eghtesadi has had a successful career as a Farmers Insurance Agency owner and entrepreneur in Tucson. Recognized with numerous awards for her exemplary service, production and community involvement, Eghtesadi’s primary focus is support of the U.S. Military. In 2015, she won first place in Tucson’s Women of Influence awards, in the category of Military Champion. Tucson CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women) awarded her the coveted “Entrepreneurial Spiral Award” for 2015 as well.
By interfacing with Reserve and Guard Airmen and Soldiers and their civilian employers, speaking up at public forums and rallying her business colleagues, Eghtesadi communicates that Tucson is a pro-military city critical to our national security. In 2015, Eghtesadi accepted an invitation from General Robin Rand, Air Education and Training Command (AETC), as a member of the AETC Civic Leaders Group, which brings together 30 civilian leaders from across the nation.
Eghtesadi currently serves as the Vice Chair for Southern Arizona, Employers Support of the Guard and Reserve, as well as on the Board of Directors, 162nd Fighter Wing Air Guardians, a civilian organization that assists the Airmen to make their job as easy as possible within our community and “Keep Tucson as a home station for the Arizona 162nd Air National Guard”.
For more information, call 520-881-8000 or visit Facebook.com/SAEFarmers or YourTucsonAgent.com.