Redirect and Choose a Cleanse

Sheila Shea
Sheila Shea, director of Intestinal Health Institute, provides the education and resources for clients interested in detoxifying the body by way of various types of cleanses. The key cleanses are bowel, liver, kidney and parasite.
“People put themselves down for being dietary idiots. Redirection is a better option. Take action to redirect energy, efforts and thinking toward detoxification, another component of nutrition. Cleaning up the physical body also cleanses the brain,” says Shea. “Choosing, planning and executing a detoxification program redirects focus and energy to positive behavior.”
According to Shea, clients healing from cancer naturally follow detoxification protocols. Clients struggling with mold, heavy metal and chemical poisoning use colon hydrotherapy, enemas and herbal laxatives to keep toxins flowing out of the body. Some clients use coffee enemas and/or castor oil packs on their intestines and liver to cleanse deeper. Other clients choose a 21-day or 30-day program to go longer into cleansing.
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