A Safe Place to Explore Your Light

Rebecca Saxon
Rebecca Saxon, Integral Health Coach, Spiritual Guide and Astrologer, works to bring personal evolution and self love, health and well-being, energy and vitality to her Tucson clients. Her work combines her lifelong study and practice of religion, metaphysics, spirituality and mind-body health as a holistic-focused RN and Spiritual Guide. She has taught and practiced meditation, natural living and yoga for many years, and has healed herself with the practices she teaches others.
As a health coach, Saxon can discuss any health issues, from a traditional as well as alternative health point of view, and educate in the areas of nutrition, herbs, juicing, yoga, meditation/breathwork, energy work and Feng Shui. As a spiritual guide, working with Saxon can bring deeper spiritual awareness, self-knowing and trust, spiritual emergence, spiritual direction and understanding. Her goal is empowering clients to trust themselves and learn to look within for their answers.
“By reading great texts of many spiritual traditions, and deeply contemplating and practicing what I learned for over 30 years, I now see what many great ones taught through the ages: ‘the kingdom of heaven is within.’ This is the opposite of what the world teaches us, and we need to take the time to discover this for ourselves, or any other insights my client has,” explains Saxon. “Though I have lots to share, I have no set agendas in our work, I let my client’s unique unfolding lead the way.”
For more information, call 520-248-6351, email [email protected] or visit RebeccaSaxon.com. See ad, page 12.