Tips for a Gluten-Free Thanksgiving

Whether this is your first gluten-free Thanksgiving or you are a long-time pro at navigating holidays sans gluten, it is possible to enjoy delicious Thanksgiving favorites with less stress and just as much flavor.
Help hosts understand food sensitivities and get involved with the planning of the meal. A few simple changes to the traditional dishes can make them safe to eat, such as using a gluten-free flour blend to thicken the gravy, and avoiding glutinous cream soup in the green bean casserole. Offer to bring a few dishes that can be enjoyed without gluten worries.
Better yet, those with gluten sensitivities can host the dinner themselves and show friends and family that a gluten-free meal can be both traditional and delicious. In fact, guests will never miss the gluten—especially if they never find out.
Many of the family favorites are naturally gluten-free, such as turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and cranberries. But what about stuffing? What about dessert? These days, recipes for gluten-free pie, cake, gravy and stuffing are readily available online.
Susan Fulton, owner of Gourmet Girls Bakery/Bistro, in Tucson, is helping make the holidays even easier for those who prefer not to experiment. Gourmet Girls has all the family favorites, including pumpkin, apple and cherry pies, pumpkin logs with cream cheese filling, dinner rolls, stuffing and even gravy. Call ahead to place orders.
For more information, call 520-408-9000, email [email protected] or visit See ad, page 41.