Honoring the Mother
May 02, 2018 09:43PM ● By Rev. Ann Marie Beale
May is the month of Mother’s Day. Each culture honors the feminine aspect in all of us. We see examples everywhere—whether it be a statue of Mother Mary or Kuan Yin, a Hopi Kachina of the Crow Mother, a painting of Hawaii’s Kali or another of the Lady of Guadalupe.
She has many names and different forms and we are drawn to her without even fully realizing why. She is our soul, our intuition, our heart. She is that inner voice that calls to us out of our sleep to awaken to a higher reality of peace, love, wisdom and light.
Esoteric wisdom is full of symbolism and the feminine and masculine polarities are rich in symbolic language… sun and moon, earth and sky, spirit and soul, yin and yang, mind and heart, intellect and intuition, man and woman, bride and bridegroom and so on.
We honor our mothers for bringing us into this life. Whatever your relationship may have been with your own birth mother, there are many ways to honor the mother principle. We begin by taking care of Mother Earth. We honor our own inner soul’s ability to nurture and birth our ideas, dreams and passions. We open our hearts with loving compassion to each other. All in honor of the mother.
Happy Mother’s Day to the Divine Feminine in us all.
Celebrate Mother’s Day, May 13, at Unity in the Valley, located at 17630 S. Camino De Las Quintas, Green Valley. Connect at 520-625-5687 or UnityGreenValley.org. See ad, page 37.