Sitting is the New Smoking

Most of us are familiar with the dangers of smoking. Yet, we don’t know just how dangerous it is to be sedentary. Even people who work out three times a week can be affected. If we sit all day at work and then go to the gym for an hour, we are still largely sedentary.
Evolutionarily, we were designed to be moving most of our waking hours. Constant sitting leads to muscle atrophy, which can mean problems with the heart, blood clots, osteoporosis, diabetes, poor sleep, depression and cognitive decline.
We don’t need to go to the gym to rectify this problem. Just look for OTMs (opportunities to move) throughout the day. This includes activities such as parking farther away, using the stairs, cleaning the house, doing yard work or parking the car and walking to several stores close by. Walk the dog twice a day instead of once—they’ll appreciate it, too. Stand up from that desk every 15 minutes to walk in place or stretch for 30 seconds. While driving or seated anywhere, move the spine forward and back.
Research shows that exercise boosts our mood and our focus. Sometimes we don’t move much because we have low energy or we are in pain. If that is the case, see a chiropractor immediately. No matter what OTM is used, just get moving.
Dr. Joanne Haupert, D.C. has been helping people with neck and back problems for decades. Connect at 520-584-0343, [email protected] or