How NMT Can Improve Your Game

Most people who participate in sports at any level, from a pick-up game of hoops to professional level golf, will agree on two things: pain prefers one side of the body, no matter what sport we play; and injuries are not an “if”, but a “when”.
What if we could lessen or even avoid sports injuries? What if we could stop compensating for the sore side of our body? Would we gain an edge over competition? Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) can help our game by creating flexibility where we are tight and strengthening weak areas. In order for the body to avoid pain and trauma, alternating joints throughout the body need stability and mobility. Any restriction in one area will have a referred effect someplace else. Eliminating the restriction, or trigger point, in the muscle, along with stretching and strengthening will increase performance and more importantly, maximize the body’s potential as a whole functional unit.
NMT utilizes specific massage therapy, flexibility stretching and home care to eliminate the causes of most neuromuscular pain patterns. This specific and scientific approach to muscular pain relief will help to bring about balance between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. NMT enhances the function of joints, muscles and biomechanics (movement) and it releases endorphins, the body’s own natural pain killers. It is effective on its own, or as part of a comprehensive program, complementing all other modalities.
Nathan Morrison, LMT is a Certified Neuromuscular Therapist at Skeleton Key Therapy. He believes each person is unique and not all pain is created equally, but all pain can be reduced or may dissipate completely. His goal is to see you reach your optimal pain-free potential, utilizing Neuromuscular Trigger Point Therapy, breathing techniques and Myofascial Release. Connect at 740-398-8966, [email protected] or