New Opportunity for Whole-Person Fitness

Transformational Medicine with Transformations360 and Energetix is launching a whole-person program to get clients happy in their bodies once again. Looking into what one is allergic to through appropriate testing and support including a nutritional plan that works, digestive support, weekly check-ins for learning and accountability will assist clients in reaching their goals.
“Are you feeling unwell? Are allergies driving you crazy? Are you carrying a little or a lot of extra weight? Are you feeling foggy brained? Is your stomach always giving you grief? Are you worried about being diabetic?” asks Zach Saber, of Transformational Medicine.
Nutritional upgrades may include eating three whole-food meals daily, learning what whole foods are, learning about label reading with grocery store visits and learning what to look for before buying any food products. “Learn what raises your sugars and what doesn’t. Get the support to find the right combination of food and attitudes to support you getting to your goals,” says Saber.
Go to and fill out their questionnaire, which looks at 15 different health markers. The password is “drsaber”. Give Transformational Medicine a call after completing the questionnaire to schedule a free, 30-minute consult to discuss the results.
Location: 3861 N. First Ave., Tucson. For more information, call 520-209-1755 or visit See ads, pages 3 and 11.