Community of Light Grounded in Metaphysics

Community of Light is a metaphysical and spiritual group of light and energy workers whose focus is healing, enlightenment and personal growth. Founded in September of 2014, a group of light workers were committed to establishing a spiritual community which offered an alternative to other spiritual gatherings in the area. Since then, the Community of Light has become a collective grounded in metaphysics—a branch of philosophy which examines the fundamental reality of space and time, energy and matter and the mysteries surrounding the world and universe and how it’s all interconnected.
Community of Light’s mission is to increase the Divine Light in the world for the highest and best good of all. They strive to achieve this mission by teaching Universal Law and the principles of metaphysics. They do this through classes, workshops, psychic development, healing circles, meditation and inspirational gatherings. These events will increase individual awareness, perception and spirituality of everyday life, foster unity and inspire all on their spiritual journey to realize their full potential.
Their philosophy of life focuses on using thoughts, words and actions in a positive way in order to create a life of harmony, joy, prosperity and love. Community of Light encourages people with a variety of beliefs to come together and inspire one another through peace, love, kindness and light.
Sunday morning gatherings are from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., where healing meditations, inspirational talks and opportunities to receive messages from Spirit are all part of the celebration. On Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m., Pathways to Metaphysics classes are held. Stemming from the Universal Laws, topics change weekly and can be found on their website. The Friday Healing and Message Circle is from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The circle sends healing energy to each other, our loved ones and to Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. There is a beautifully guided healing meditation, followed by messages from Spirit, which is optional.
Community of Light gatherings take place at 7570 E. Speedway, in the Far Horizon East Main Clubhouse, in Tucson. Connect at 520-339-2038 or See ad, page 12.