Myotherapy Treatments for Muscle Pain

Andrea Johnson
Andrea Johnson, Certified Master Bonnie Prudden Myotherapist and Exercise Therapist, offers Myotherapy—a highly specialized therapeutic treatment for relieving muscle pain and the swelling, stiffness, weakness and limited range of motion associated with pain—at Muscles in Motion Myotherapy, in Tucson. Johnson is a 31-year veteran of Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy. House calls are available.
Myotherapy was developed by Bonnie Prudden, internationally known fitness expert and consultant. A Myotherapist searches for trigger points, which are irritable spots in the muscles. They are unique in every individual and can result from falls suffered as far back as childhood, poor posture, accidents, sports, occupational, disease and stress. When trigger points “flare up” they cause muscle spasms, weakness, restricted range of motion, poor circulation and pain.
During Myotherapy treatment, the patient’s trigger points are “defused” and subsequently “erased” by a Myotherapist, who uses pressure from fingers, knuckles and/or elbows, followed by a kneading massage. The newly relaxed muscles are then passively stretched, and the patient is given a series of corrective exercises to be used at home to help keep the muscles free from pain.
For more information, call 786-897-0789 or [email protected]. See ad, page 32.