Mothers: Pursue the Life You Want

Rob Tull
As a change agent coach, Rob Tull helps mothers identify their authentic desires and take action to fulfill them while still being the mother and provider they want to be. He shares his insights and techniques on pursuing wants in the new best-selling book, The One Thing Every Mom Needs to Know, by Madeleine Davis, a Parenting Strategist.
Mothers prioritize the needs and wants of their families so fully that they often forget to prioritize their own authentic needs and wants. As parents, we want what is best for our families, but we can often be influenced by the expectations of society, peers and role stereotypes about how we should be living.
“A common result is subordinating authentic desires and happiness, leading to feeling unfulfilled or trapped. The key to breaking free from this is to identify situations where we can act on our own wants and shape our lives in the way that makes happiness real today, instead of a luxury that might be there one day in the future,” says Tull.
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