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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Detoxing the Body from the Outside

In order to be healthy, our organs need to be working properly, allowing them to do their jobs well. Great, organic food will keep us healthy. Getting rid of all of the junk that the body has absorbed over the years will get us started on our journey to good health. Alternatives in Health Care Detox Therapy and Mini Med Spa (AIHC) is all about detoxing the body inside and out as naturally as possible.

One of the detoxification possibilities at AIHC utilizes many different steps to help cleanse the body. The detox wrap uses motion therapy, heat therapy, dry brushing, herbal foot soaks and an herbal dermal patch to accomplish its mission of cleansing, replenishing and relaxing the body.

The first step of this procedure is 15 minutes on the chi machine to rev up the body’s circulation and oxygenate the blood. Next, dry brushing stimulates the body and helps remove dead, flaky skin. Onto the full body seaweed application, which helps draw toxins out of the body. Once the seaweed gel has been applied, the therapist will apply a plastic wrap over the entire body to hold in natural body heat.

Once wrapped, it’s time for a 30-minute sauna session, which includes resting the feet in a basin filled with cool water that contains Epsom and Himalayan salts. A plethora of organic dried herbs work to draw out toxins, relax the body, soothe sore muscles and give a general feeling of well-being. Some of the herbs and flowers contained in this foot bath are lavender, comfry powder, burdock, fennel, elderflower and licorice root.

Sage, spearmint leaves and rosemary help round out this beautiful blend of plants. Clients are also served an all-natural mineral drink that contains adaptogens and 70 ionic trace minerals. The nine adaptogenic herbs that are in this formula are ashwaganda root, schizandra extract, tribula terrestris extract, Siberian golden root, Siberian ginseng, rhododendron caucasicum, maca extract, Nepali shilajit and wolfberry extract.

Alternatives in Health Care Detox Therapy and Mini Med Spa was one of Tucson’s first natural wellness centers. Their 15-year history has helped give people that want to cleanse their faces and bodies many different options. Connect at [email protected] or See ad, page 30.

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