Photon Genius Super Sauna Light Therapy
The Photon Genius is a revolutionary machine that provides an abundance of healing photons through both its infrared light emitters and its ionized noble gas harmonic frequency dischargers. With over 150 feet of light tubes, no other instrument in the world can provide the level of photon light nourishment as the Photon Genius. It provides the widest range of harmonic frequencies from zero to 2 MHz, which serves to balance all the cells in our body.
Alive & Well Arizona, located at 2420 W. Ruthrauff Rd., Ste. 160, Tucson, offers Photon Genius sessions. Sessions are 50 minutes in length; package deals are available. Connect at 520-638-6740 or
The Photon Genius Super Sauna provides a full spectrum range of near, medium and far infrared transmissions. Infrared has the ability to penetrate through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, transforming light energy to heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of the tissues causes blood vessels and capillaries to dilate, promoting better blood circulation and the release of years of toxins and metabolic waste through sweating. The internal heat generated helps to relieve pain, joint stiffness and muscle soreness, as well as strengthen the immune system.
Using the Photon Genius regularly helps the body to naturally increase its production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is vital for managing inflammation and scavenging free radicals in the body.
Alive & Well Arizona, located at 2420 W. Ruthrauff Rd., Ste. 160, Tucson, offers Photon Genius sessions. Sessions are 50 minutes in length; package deals are available. Connect at 520-638-6740 or