Rev. Michael Bush, Senior Minister of Casas Adobes Congregational, United Church of Christ
Nov 24, 2020 09:20PM ● By Michael BushMichael Bush
Ours is a fractured time and place, evidenced by the recent vitriolic election season. Sometimes people seem so divided that we believe our best hope is to be tolerant of others.
Rev. Michael Bush serves as the Senior Minister of Casas Adobes Congregational,
Is tolerance the best we can do? While tolerance may do no willful harm, neither does it heal. The Divine revealed in Jesus’s teaching and action is one who does much more than tolerate. Luke 1:78 says that God offers loving “tender mercy”. The Hebrew word for “mercy” derives from the word for “womb”. Mercy is about deep connection and profound belonging.
One can choose to daily receive the “tender mercy” through spiritual practices of prayer, meditation, worship, study and so much more. This is how Jesus formed a community who were united by tender mercy in their differences—a people knit together in the spiritual womb of love. The differences became part of the strength of the body instead of what divided.
Hear the invitation in this season to rest in the tender mercy of the Spirit. In this we know more deeply belonging, and can better birth tender mercy, healing love, justice and peace in the world.
Join with spiritual communities to soak in this tender mercy of the Spirit through
various opportunities in this season for prayer, contemplation, centering, singing, worship and more, birthing from the womb of love more goodness in the world.Rev. Michael Bush serves as the Senior Minister of Casas Adobes Congregational,
United Church of Christ. Connect at

Casas Adobes Congregational Church, United Church of Christ (UCC) - 6801 North Oracle Rd, Tucson, AZ
As an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ (UCC), we are a vibrant community for all, where God is real. We are an active Church, with members and friends commit... Read More »