The Magical Healing of Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi massage therapy eases the recipient into a state of relaxation and stillness, while simultaneously freeing the mind of stress. During the massage, a lymphatic drainage cleansing process releases toxins to assist the body in eliminating tension, which promotes pain reduction and boosts the immune system.
Native Hawaiian culture reports this massage enhances the connection between mind, body, emotion and spirit. The Lomi Lomi technique includes flowing, circular integrated strokes through the use of forearms, hands and elbows.
Traditional Lomi Lomi was practiced with three basic aims: as a healing practice of native healers—kahuna Lāʻau lapaʻau (healers) and kahuna hāhā (diagnosticians); as a luxury and an aid to digestion, especially to the ruling chiefs; and as restorative massage.
Lomi Lomi, akin to all traditional Hawaiian endeavors, was conducted with prayer and intention. Hawaiian kupuna (elder) Auntie Margaret Machado describes Lomi Lomi as “praying” work. In the 1930s, kupuna Emma Akana Olmstead of Hana, Maui, remarked, “When a treatment is to be given, the one who gives the treatment first plucks the herbs to be used. He prays as he picks the herbs. No one should call him back or distract his attention, all should be as still as possible for they do not want the vibration broken.”
In our modern society, many Lomi Lomi practitioners find it nearly impossible to offer traditional style Lomi Lomi in a spa setting or massage office. To deliver the most authentic experience, the preference is to work with clients quietly and privately, via in-home settings. Lomi Lomi practitioners may ask their clients to pray, meditate, change diets or take other action as part of their overall health improvement process.
Ava Ixchel offers Lomi Lomi at Desert Massage, located at 1074 N. Swan Rd., in Tucson. Connect at 602-642-4981 or

Desert Massage - 1074 N Swan Rd, Tucson, AZ
MASSAGE: Ava Olivia Ixchel, LMT and Certified Health Coach relaxes tired tense muscles and helps you live the best version of yourself. With the use of a variety of massage and coaching t... Read More »