Free Eckankar Book Discussion of Spiritual Stress Relief

Eckankar Arizona is hosting a free open book discussion of Spiritual Stress Relief, an
e-booklet by Harold Klemp, Spiritual Leader of Eckankar, on April 16, from 4 to 5 p.m., via Zoom. The public is invited to participate, even if they have not read the book.
For more information, call 877-300-4949, email [email protected] or visit To experience HU, visit See ad, page 26.
ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom
e-booklet by Harold Klemp, Spiritual Leader of Eckankar, on April 16, from 4 to 5 p.m., via Zoom. The public is invited to participate, even if they have not read the book.
In today’s world, change is constant. Often, change causes feelings of tension and stress. Where does one turn for peace, balance and rejuvenation? Can it be found beyond the mind/body awareness? Perhaps it can be found within, at the very core of who we are, Soul, a spiritual being deeply loved and cherished by the Divine.
“The mind can overreact to the rush of everyday living, leaving us on edge and out of sorts. We forget that help is as near as a few moments in contemplation,”
Klemp says in the e-booklet. “At least once a day, let the Sound and Light of God enliven you with spiritual impulses. Gently sing HU, and the silent wind of God will enter the sacred temple of consciousness in your heart.”HU (pronounced like the word hue) is an ancient mantra and sacred sound. It is sung with a feeling of love for the Creator of Life. It can open one to the healing current of Spirit and begin to restore peace and balance.
For more information, call 877-300-4949, email [email protected] or visit To experience HU, visit See ad, page 26.

ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom
ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom "The purpose of Eckankar is to make God an everyday reality in your life. As Soul, you have the God-knowledge within you. The teachings of ECK w... Read More »