Honoring Your Wildness
Oct 31, 2023 12:00PM ● By Deb Beroset
The other day I saw somebody’s Facebook post about swimming with humpback whales “every day this week,” and after I got past my initial envy pang—oh man, am I ever gonna get to swim with a humpback whale?—I started thinking about why having a moment with a massive representative of another species is such a big deal anyway.
If you’ve momentarily lost touch with your wildness, try saying these things to yourself out loud. Consider it a singing telegram from the depths of your soul.
Over the past year in particular, I’ve been leaning into my own wildness. I keep reminding myself to stop and be still, listen keenly and pick up even faint whiffs of possibility in the air. The result? The most bold and beautiful thing I’ve ever created: SoulFire.
It's Time For Moxie LLC
I’m not a great swimmer, but several years ago I was in Tulum with a boyfriend and tried snorkeling on a whim. I was not prepared for the rush I felt when I dipped my face in the water and realized I’d already been hanging out with an iridescent school of fish all dressed up and sparkling in reflected sunlight. Some of us looked each other in the eye, said a wordless “hey”. We were groovin’, all moving in our own ways on the same dancefloor, having a floaty sea-rave. It was one of those peak moments.
Anyway, I waded into the ocean that day relating to it—and everything in it—as most definitely separate from me. And by the time I was back on shore, I’d gotten the memo on a deep level that I, myself, am an animal in the natural world.
The Big Aha of that trip: It was time to honor my wildness.
Things get really messed up when we forget—or deny—our wildness. We are conditioned to think of our species as unique and somehow separate, which has us collectively being those obnoxious guests at the luxe hotel who trash the place and then get all indignant and rude when we’re called on it.
When we really allow it to sink in that we are not only fellow occupants with other life forms on the planet but related, well, that’s a paradigm shift. We instinctively make choices and do things from a place of fondness for the eco-everything. As in, you’re family, let me do this nice thing for you.
It’s what has people interrupt their busy lives to pull over and pick up the turtle in the middle of the highway: Hey little mama, lemme give you a hand. In those moments, we are at our best—our most authentic, real, natural best.
Oh, but did I mention that honoring our wildness makes amazing things possible in our lives?
We are creatures who thrive when all four elements are present in our lives: the soaring and freedom of AIR; the depth and flow of WATER; the wisdom and groundedness of EARTH; the creativity and power of FIRE.
It’s worth reflecting on which element your intuition wants you to seek out right now. When you acknowledge your primal nature, your inner eco-system thrives.
A woman who owns and loves her innate wildness is comfortable in her own skin, joyfully takes up space, trusts her powerful inborn instincts and creates magical results with love, resolve and a sense of humor. She’s the mama bear, the hummingbird, the thunderstorm. She’s just WILD like that.
Do you want to BE her? You ARE her. When you’re in touch with your glorious natural power, you stop wondering if you have or can trust your intuition and inner knowing. You allow your innate gifts to be a brilliant torch in your life, shining light on your path.
If you’ve momentarily lost touch with your wildness, try saying these things to yourself out loud. Consider it a singing telegram from the depths of your soul.
- I was born for this, and I am part of the natural, glorious order of things.
- My beautiful intellect is just one of the ways I see, learn, create and am guided. I am connected to it All.
- I am here to play my part in the Big Symphony of Life.
Over the past year in particular, I’ve been leaning into my own wildness. I keep reminding myself to stop and be still, listen keenly and pick up even faint whiffs of possibility in the air. The result? The most bold and beautiful thing I’ve ever created: SoulFire.
SoulFire is designed to ignite our power to create, and you can now register and claim your spot at the Tucson retreat. It is the result of six months of wooing my muse and a trust fall into the loving arms of my intuition, and it’s exactly what I want in my life right now: a joy-full soul fest, a chance to dance and rejoice in our voices and stoke the creative confidence and power that our lives and the world are calling for. Oh, and I have been craving in-person time with cool, interesting, up-for-life women.
Come join me and create a reality that’s big and beautiful enough to feed an expansive, gorgeous spirit like yours, you wild thing.
Deb Beroset weaves aesthetic shamanism, creativity and innovation principles, and impactful self-expression exercises into a rich, experiential tapestry of transformation. Called “a creative guru” by The Washington Post, Deb founded Moxie in 2016 and is known for her ability to help people dare to create a reality that fills them with joy. To connect and learn more about SoulFire, Moxie’s upcoming retreat in Tucson, visit ItsTimeForMoxie.com. See ad, page 10.

It's Time For Moxie LLC
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