Write to Heal with Kim Green

Kim Green
As an award-winning author and writing coach, Kim Green and her business Blank Page Consulting have always emphasized the power of self-expression as the central theme of her work with writing and life coaching clients. Green’s complete commitment to this work manifested when she completed her first novel, hallucination, during a traumatic period in her own life.
Blank Page Consulting
Personalized Write-to-Heal sessions are a totally confidential, independent experience that allows participants to excavate their past in order to move past it. The writing portion of the experience is completely confidential, will not be critiqued or edited and is only useful for bringing clients to a place where they can better articulate (often for the first time) their raw emotions.
Coaching is a discipline that goes one step further than listening and empathizing; it encourages the client to look more deeply into the ways that trauma has attached itself to their identity and offers suggestions on reframing. With powerful questioning, the client realizes that writing gives clients permission to release the past so they can claim their peace.
“There is only one place where recycling is not good for you and that is re-cycling the past pain of trauma. Trauma is a tricky animal that can attach itself to our identity and create ongoing wounds that continue to regenerate,” says Green. “Those wounds can be dissipated.”
For a free consultation to determine if Write to Heal work is right for you, call 678-938-2777 or visit BlankPageConsult.com.

Blank Page Consulting
GROUP COACHING FOR WRITERS 10-WEEK EXPERIENCE Kim Green, award-winning author and life coach takes writers on a 10 week journey to start writing the book they have always dreamed of. 4 w... Read More »