Tucson Neurotherapy Specializes in the Remarkable Effects of Neurotherapy on Brain Health

Throughout life, the brain retains a remarkable ability to heal itself when given appropriate input. Research has demonstrated that neurotherapy shows efficacy for a wide variety of brain-based disorders, including depression, anxiety, ADHD, panic disorders, PTSD, insomnia, learning disorders (dysgraphia, dyslexia), developmental disorders, post-concussive syndrome and TBI, TIA and OCD, among other conditions.
No one knows how helpful neurotherapy can be better than the clinicians at Tucson Neurotherapy. Located roughly six blocks from the U of A campus, Tucson Neurotherapy is a comfortable, home-based clinic that provides alternative, research-backed treatment options for brain-based disorders and cognitive performance. Unique among Arizona-based clinics, practitioners at Tucson Neurotherapy offer a combination approach of neurofeedback, neurostimulation and psychotherapy.
Appreciating the importance of a holistic approach to healing, Tucson Neurotherapy maintains relationships with nutritionists and coaches who together provide a well-rounded understanding of brain health in the context of full-body wellness. This pharmaceutical-free intervention addresses brain-based disorders at the source: by targeting and rerouting dysfunctional brainwave patterns. Over time, through learning and attunement, the brain is able to produce desirable patterns on its own and this change often correlates to positive, profound shifts in one’s quality of life that remain long after the treatment program has concluded.
Treatment programs are based on the concept that each brain is unique. Effective treatment is dependent on recognizing and designing programs around that uniqueness. All treatment plans are tailored to clients’ individual patterns of brainwave activity. The first step of treatment is collecting a completely noninvasive brain scan, also known as a quantitative-EEG (QEEG), which uses sophisticated software to examine one’s brain from multiple vantage points. Clinicians then consult with industry veterans and together provide a 25-page, individualized report and a treatment plan. Each treatment plan is research-backed with the goal of helping the brain relearn patterns of focused healthy brainwave activity. Available treatment options include tDCS, tACS, noise stimulation, photobiomodulation, targeted PEMF, audio-visual entrainment and heart-rate variability.
Clinicians at Tucson Neurotherapy have additional experience working with alleviating chronic pain throughout the body—including migraines and nerve pain—as well as tinnitus. Having healed their own brain-based disorders through these technologies, these neurotherapists offer a sensitive and empathetic treatment approach made possible through their own personal healing experiences.
For more information, text/call 520-261-0448 or visit TucsonNeurotherapy.com. See ad, page 21.

Tucson Neurotherapy - 303 East Mabel St , Tucson, AZ
Board-Trained Neurotherapists & Licensed Mental Health Clinicians. A pharmaceutical-free approach that teaches the brain new patterns, often leading to profound, positive and permanen... Read More »