Alternative Ways to Deal with Allergies

Once the rains end and plants begin to bloom, Tucson becomes Allergy City. If you are sneezing; have a runny nose; red, watering or itchy eyes, you may be reaching for the Zyrtec or Allegra, but what if your immune system was healed and strong enough to not respond this way?
Building up your immune system to handle common allergens is normally done with a series of allergy shots or taking medicine daily. Sometimes eating certain foods increases the allergy response and you may want to get tested for food allergies via bloodwork to see what your body is not handling. Here are some alternative things you can do:
• Avoid the allergens you react to. If it is a food, don’t eat it. If it’s a plant, try to stay inside or wear a mask when outside.
• Clean up your bedroom. Hot water wash and dry your pillows, pillowcases and sheets, and vacuum your mattress and all around your bed to decrease dust and dust mites.
• Have your heating and cooling systems checked and cleaned out by a professional. Switch out your filters regularly.
• If it is the season when you react to Mesquites blooming, keep an eye on pollen counts to avoid major exposures. gives daily information on pollen counts and air quality. Other apps are available as well.
When you are ready to do more, Transformational Medicine offers an allergy/respiratory support IV that includes amino acids, taurine and more vitamins and minerals to support your immune system and your cellular health. On Wednesdays in March, this IV is 10% off. They can also do an individually designed plan that may include herbs, vitamins or homeopathic remedies.
Transformational Medicine has been assisting folks toward optimal health for 14 years. They have a full group of wonderful practitioners who can listen, massage you, treat trauma, do colonics and IV therapy as well as Ozone therapies. Connect at 520-209-1755, [email protected] or See ad, page 3.

Transformational Medicine - 2028 East Prince Road, Tucson, AZ
We are a group of like-minded healing professionals who have created a collaborative, patient-focused environment to provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health an... Read More »