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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Personal Truth Tool Can Help Validate Accuracy of Info Around Us

The Personal Truth Tool is a device that accesses universally available Quantum Information to validate the accuracy or truthfulness of a social media post, news article, broadcast, current or historical report, belief, statement or “fact”. Use it to check the authenticity, legitimacy and veracity of letters, emails, texts, calls, contracts and more. Identify “fake news” when you hear it, see it or read it. The Validial may be used as a picture on your phone, downloaded image or printed hard copy.

To use the Personal Truth Tool, place a pendulum of your choosing at the bottom center of the Personal Truth Tool Validial. Paper clip or safety pin and eight inches of string doubled, ends knotted, and looped through, work fine. Holding the knot lightly between thumb and middle finger, give the string a slight turn to start the energy flow, and between questions as necessary to assist momentum of the clip. Allow the pendulum to move without resistance, direction or intention over the Validial.

Before questioning or confirming a supposed fact, statement or report, check your beliefs regarding the information whose validity you are querying. Are you neutral or are you biased in some way? It is also very important to ask clear, concise and specific questions, including time, place and person. Ask to know the truth, whatever the answer might be.

You may use the Personal Truth Tool to check the validity of any information you hear, see, read or think about from the past or present. This device will not predict the future. Note that users of this Personal Truth Tool assume all responsibility for any conclusions, decisions or actions taken because of information obtained by using the Personal Truth Tool. The use of any Personal Truth Tool does not replace medical, legal or common-sense advice.

For more information, email [email protected].