A Medicare Checklist to Guide Your AEP Journey

Photo by Marcus Aurelius: pexels.com
Before the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), which runs from October 15 through December 7 each year, seniors should take several steps to ensure they are well-prepared to make any necessary changes to their Medicare coverage.
Below is a checklist to help guide you during the AEP this year. This is best completed with the help of a local advisor.
• Medicare Advantage (Part C) or Prescription Drug Plan (Part D): Review the current plan’s benefits, costs and any changes for the upcoming year. These changes are usually sent in an Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) letter.
• Original Medicare: If enrolled in Original Medicare (Parts A & B) with a Medigap (supplemental insurance) plan, check if the Medigap plan continues to meet needs.
• Assess medical needs: Consider any changes in health status, medications or healthcare providers. If new prescriptions, treatments or frequent doctor visits are anticipated, check if the current plan covers these adequately.
• Provider networks: Ensure that preferred doctors, specialists and hospitals remain in-network for those on Medicare Advantage plans.
• Use Medicare’s Plan Finder: Compare available Medicare Advantage and Part D plans using the Medicare Plan Finder tool to evaluate costs, coverage and quality ratings.
• Check formulary lists: For those on prescription drugs, make sure the medications are still covered under the plan’s formulary (list of covered drugs) and that costs haven’t increased.
• Extra services: Look at any additional benefits offered by Medicare Advantage plans, such as dental, vision, hearing, wellness programs or transportation services, which might be important.
• Out-of-pocket costs: Consider overall out-of-pocket costs, including premiums, deductibles, copayments and coinsurance.
• Extra Help program: For those with limited income and resources, check eligibility for the Extra Help program to assist with prescription drug costs.
6. Update Personal Information
• Contact information: Ensure that Social Security, Medicare and any current insurers have the correct address, phone number and email.
7. Seek Advice
• Speak to a Medicare counselor: Contact a State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) counselor for free, unbiased assistance in understanding and choosing coverage.
8. Prepare for Enrollment
• Mark important dates: Set reminders for key dates, including the start and end of the AEP (October 15 - December 7).
Taking these steps can help ensure that seniors are well-informed and prepared to choose the best possible coverage for their healthcare needs in the coming year.
Holly Baker phone/Text: 520-760-2378 or by email at [email protected]. See ad, page 4.
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

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