The Vagus Nerve and Yoga

The Vagus nerve is essential for good physical and mental health. We have a right and left starting at the brain cortex and connecting the thoracic region to our gut. It helps regulate the sympathetic nervous system, the fight-or-flight which triggers stress, anxiety, fear and depression/loneliness.
Through mediation, sound and chanting, breathing, physical activity and social interaction, we can regulate this nervous system to a parasympathetic state where we are calm, relaxed and full of energy that supports our mind and body.
Stimulation of the Vagus nerve reduces heart rate, assists in healthy digestion and metabolizes nutrients, as well as increases blood to organs and reduces inflammation. Cranial nerves connect the brainstem and the body.
Yoga practice and slow diaphragmatic breathing with long exhalations stimulate the Vagus nerve, as well as cold water immersion on the face and neck. Singing and humming increases vagal tone. Cranial Sacral therapy involves gentle touch and reset points around the base of the skull and the sacrum. A Cranial Sacral therapist works to reduce cortisol and increase parasympathetic activity.

The Right Touch Massage Therapy - 2984 E Fort Lowell, Tucson, AZ
Experienced Pain Relief therapist and wellness provider with 25 years as Reiki/Cranial therapist. Shiatsu and Thai Massage available at both locations. Cupping/ Gua Sha, Stones/Aromathera... Read More ยป