Jul 01, 2014 06:30AM
Unity of Tucson is a church that accepts its place as a powerful magnet of peace and love to the world.
Jul 01, 2014 06:27AM
Psychoneuroimmunology is a branch of medicine that deals with the relationship between emotional states (like stress and depression), the nervous system and immune function.
Jul 01, 2014 06:24AM
The University of Arizona is looking for individuals to participate in a study testing a non-medication- based treatment for major depression.
Jul 01, 2014 06:22AM
Jean DuBose, LCSW, LMT, is offering a class to help people find their true purpose in life that begins at 10 a.m., July 20.
Jul 01, 2014 06:19AM
Authors Steve Ross and Karen McChrystal have given us a relationship book that works.
Jul 01, 2014 06:17AM
Medicine Wheel Dental & Wellness Center is providing patients with a new way to save on dental care.
Jul 01, 2014 06:04AM
With school out for the summer and the hot sun beating down, many Tucsonians will be vacationing this month, near and far, to visit relatives, discover new places or just get a change of scenery.
Jul 01, 2014 06:00AM
IONS Tucson presents Tucson native Joe Pinella, with the inspiring story, Against Doctor’s Orders: Healing with the Power of the Mind, at 6:30 p.m., August 1.
Jul 01, 2014 05:57AM
The Café embraces a new paradigm of sustainable community by providing pure food.
Jul 01, 2014 05:48AM ● By Dale Bruder
In his new book, <i>Hush, a Book of Bedtime Contemplations<i/>, Dr. Rubin Naiman offers a new view on both space and time as it relates to healthy sleep.
Jul 01, 2014 05:40AM
Using TCM as a method of healing the root cause, life can be much better.
Jun 30, 2014 07:06PM
The nonprofit Foundation for Cardiovascular Health, a community foundation, will offer The Heart Series program.
Jun 30, 2014 06:52PM
Sun Sprout Cloth Diaper Delivery Service will be hosting a class on cloth diapering.
Jun 30, 2014 06:44PM ● By Debbie Schaab
If your vision is not what it used to be and those magnifiers are no longer working for you, many causes of vision loss are treatable by a board certified ophthalmologist.
Jun 30, 2014 06:37PM
ASIS Massage Education offers a comprehensive approach to bodywork to provide the space and education necessary for students.
Deadline February 10th for the March Issue. Email [email protected] today for details.
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Tucson Natural Awakenings Magazine