Healing Oils Workshop with Herbalist David Crow

California acupuncturist and herbalist David Crow will give a practical introduction to the vast world of essential oils, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., November 5, at the Tucson Osteopathic Medical Foundation, sponsored by Institute of Noetics Science (IONS) Tucson. Crow will explore the basics of aromatherapy, the biology of flowers and the science of fragrance.
Participants can learn how essential oils workâtheir absorption and effects on the glandular, respiratory, nervous and circulatory systems; how to use them safely and effectively; and which essential oils are best for calming the mind and body and enhancing meditation.
Crow will explain how to create a home pharmacy of important essential oils, including sacred scents, floral relaxants, medicinal grasses, exotic
flower preparations and antimicrobial and immune-enhancing oils. Participants will have the opportunity to sample and purchase Floracopeia essential oils, which are sourced through ecologically sustainable agriculture. Workshop fee is $50.
He will also speak at Unity of Tucson, at 6:30, November 4, on The Healing Power of Plants.
Locations: Tucson Osteopathic Medical Foundation, 3182 N. Swan. Register at 520-399-8285 or IonsTucson.org. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N. Camino Blanco.