Grand Master Abbaraxus Offers Solutions

Lynda Abbaraxus, a Chou Shin Grand Master, has been practicing energetic medicine for 20 years, and offers a non-traditional approach to those wanting to improve the overall quality of their life.
Suffering from pain or an illness, has a definite negative impact on the ability to concentrate, work, exercise, sleep and enjoy life. From the perspective of a healer, illness or pain is the result of an imbalance of the body’s flow of energy within the meridians or energetic pathways. When this imbalance is more than physical in nature, the use of kinesiology can determine underlying mental, emotional and spiritual core beliefs at the subconscious level that are causing the imbalance. Abbaraxus uses a variety of modalities to facilitate a client’s self-healing, such as Japanese massage, acupressure, EFT, ThetaHealing, electrical stimulation, Reiki, and Past Life Regression therapy.
Whether to relieve stress, recover from an injury, reduce pain, release energy blocks, change limiting core beliefs, explore past lives or be pampered, Abbaraxus will be honored to support you in your holistic health journey.
For more informat ion cal l 580-743-6230, emai l [email protected] or visit