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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Baldwin Adds HeartMastery and Karuna Reiki

Dr. Ann Baldwin, Mind-Body-Science, is adding to the tools she offers clients to reduce their stress, increase their energy, improve focus and memory and decrease chronic pain. Over the last four years, she has provided HeartMath coaching, the basic tools to help you bring more joy and into your life and fulfill your life’s potential. Now, there is HeartMastery.

This is the next level of HeartMath, which will take you deeper into the process of accessing the wisdom of your own heart, so that you develop your intuition and discover your larger purpose and contribution. “I am using the new tools myself, and I’m delighted at how easy it is to free myself from worries and differentiate between the important things I must do, from my heart’s perspective, and those that can wait,” says Baldwin.

Baldwin has also taken her Reiki practice a step further by training in England this summer to become a certified Karuna Reiki master. Karuna Reiki, which can be taken by Usui Reiki masters, provides an intense healing energy that addresses complex psychological issues quickly and precisely, as well as treating physical problems. Baldwin is now incorporating Karuna Reiki in her Reiki sessions, so participants can reap the benefits. Practical Biofeedback and Reiki workshops are scheduled on October 8 and 26 at Mind-Body-Science.

For more information call 520-795-4048 or email or visit