Removing Interference Leads to Better Health

Dr. Martha Bergner
If you wonder why you don’t feel better, perhaps there is something standing between you and better health. Blockages in nerve flow, as well as energy/meridian flow, can lead to many problems.
Desert Mountain Health Center is dedicated to true health care, helping individuals to find and use the power within them that heals and keeps them healthy. Dr. Martha Bergner has 15 years’ experience and is trained in helping people rid themselves of blockages in energy flow through gentle but powerful Network Chiropractic and Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET).
You can experience chiropractic care that is gentle, but also extremely effective. Instead of focusing on painful areas, the nervous system can be accessed directly through areas of ease in the spinal system and the body can release the blockage.
Interference in energy flow in the body can also create malfunctions which lead to symptoms that include sensitivities, allergy-like symptoms, digestive problems and other acute or chronic conditions. Bergner has been trained by Dr. Nambudripad and delights in helping people find balance and better health. At your first visit, mention Natural Awakenings and receive a 10 percent discount.
For more information, call 520-296-5899 or visit