Are You Searching for Life’s Purpose?

Those desiring answers and permanent solutions to life’s challenges will be comforted to know that Saint Germain and the ascended masters offer the teachings of cosmic law and the empowering realization that you are God individualized! The Temple of The Presence stands as the rallying point of contact and cooperation with the ascended masters, and hosts a spiritual community of fellow hearts on the path of self-mastery toward the Ascension.
Twelve-day quarterly conferences offer planetary releases of light and instruction on how to apply the spiritual tools of your God presence, with introductory classes at two Tucson locations at 7 p.m., Thursdays. Listen to live services and replays 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through the Helicon Broadcasting link.
All Teachings offered free at For more information, call 520-751-2039 ext.100.