Just for Dad: Fast, Effective Injury Recovery

It is possible for Injury recovery to be fast and leave you even stronger than before the injury. You are a dad; you know that when you exercise, you feel better. Pain-free exercising can occur much faster and help you achieve your personal best when you engage an injury recovery program to get the support you need and deserve.
For injuries like a car accident, bike crash or a workrelated injury, there are certain keys to recovery. Get help right away. Get cleared by the doctor, if necessary, and then get into an injury recovery program. Recovery can be quick and help peak overall athletic performance. The body will limit movement with pain to avoid re-injury and heal itself. If the injury is not completely healed, it will become a chronic, repeating pain that limits activity and strips strength. The chronic issues tend to get worse and the body is slower to heal with age. Get help right away for best results in your training.
The Personal Best Injury Recovery Program for Dads has four phases of care. The first phase is helping the body to come out of shock. The body will contract to protect itself from further injury. This first phase lets the body know it is safe to move again. The second phase is testing range of motion. Here, we evaluate your movement to focus treatment where it is limited. The third is increase in training. Once recovery is on its way, we cautiously test return to exercise.
The final phase is hitting your stride. This program can leave your body stronger and more integrated than it was before the injury and help you hit your personal best. You will be a better dad and husband at home and much more focused and productive at work.
Gary Olsen is a dad and personal trainer with 16 years’ experience as a massage therapist working with athletes. To apply for a free initial consultation, call 520- 449-2128, email [email protected]. For a free report, 4 Keys to Injury Recovery, visit RockingTheBody.com.