Reconnecting with Source

Dr. Eric Pearl
Chiropractic doctor Eric Pearl practiced for 12 years until patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them even though he hadn’t physically touched them. They reported seeing angels and receiving miraculous healings from cancer, AIDSrelated diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, birth disfigurements, cerebral palsy and other serious afflictions, all when Pearl simply held his hands near them. Researching scientists now refer to Pearl’s work as Reconnective Healing, and a series of workshops will be held in Phoenix to share this new form of healing, including the Level I/II Seminar: Reconnective Healing, from March 30 to April 1.
The March 30 presentation is a discussion about the history, theory and philosophy of Reconnective Healing, and how it came about, using science and research. Volunteers are brought on stage to give live demonstrations of the healings, so the public can experience it themselves. The Friday night workshop is open to the public.
The Saturday and Sunday components are real working seminars. Presenters demonstrate the work on stage, and then audience members go to the massage tables to practice. People work around to the tables, practice with fellow attendees, while The Reconnection teaching team guides students by showing them how to begin working with these new healing frequencies. Those lying on the tables may feel sensations, and they may demonstrate what are known as “registers” or involuntary body movements as they come into contact with the Reconnective Healing frequencies. By Sunday, participants will have learned all they need to know in order to be empowered to be a Reconnective Healing practitioner.
Reconnective Healing also offers additional classes relating to children, animals and yoga. In the Reconnective Kids! Class, children learn in two hours what it takes adults two-and-ahalf days to learn, because there’s no fear or ego. They recognize the new frequencies and begin to play with them right away. The Reconnective Animals class makes no distinction between animals and human beings. The only difference is in learning how to approach them to gain their trust and comfort. Yoga students oftentimes encounter physical limitations and spend years or decades to obtain a wider range of motion. In the Reconnective Yoga class, many gain a lifelong full range of motion within minutes.
The Reconnection is the umbrella process of reconnecting to the universe, which allows Reconnective Healing to take place. These healings and evolutionary frequencies are of a new bandwidth brought in via a spectrum of light and information. It is through The Reconnection that we are able to interact with these new levels of light and information, and it is through these new levels of light and information that we are able to reconnect.
For information on all Reconnective Healing events in Phoenix, visit