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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Make the Kitchen a Source of Energy and Happiness

May 30, 2013 01:09PM ● By Kristen Codianni, certified health coach, AADP

Kristen Codianni

If the kitchen is draining our energy, stressing us out and adding extra pounds because it is stocked with hidden (and not so hidden) mood, energy- and health-sabotaging items or cluttered with “time saving” gadgets and cookware that add to the sense of overwhelm, there is still hope. Our kitchens should and still can be a source of happiness, energy and motivation. Here are a few tips to get started.

Look through cabinets and drawers and toss or donate anything that isn’t being. Be quick and be honest; there will be at least one or two items that have no seemingly useful purpose.

Reevaluate what’s displayed on the countertop, what’s stored at eye level in the pantry and in the fridge. If it turns out to be cookies, candy and snack bars with health claims on the wrapper, replace them with fresh fruit, trail mix, cut-up veggies and perhaps almond butter to dip them in. Look for real food alternatives and put them front and center.

Think small. Using smaller plates and smaller utensils is a great way to keep overeating and speed eating under control.

Start with these changes and then make a few more. Soon the kitchen will be an enjoyable, productive place to be.

Kristen Codianni received her training at Integrative Nutrition in New York City and is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Based in Southern Arizona, she offers individual health and nutrition coaching in private one-on-one sessions all over the country by phone and inperson workshops. For more information, visit