New Coaching Program from Prescott College

Prescott College is offering a six-month certificate in coaching as part of a program approved through the International Coaching Federation. The next session will be held from March 28 through August 31. It includes one full weekend of in-person training per month and one follow up evening teleclass in-between trainings.
Coaching is a professional approach that fosters innovation between individuals and/ or groups in a variety of personal or professional settings. Coach training is perfect for heart-centered individuals, managers and business owners that desire an integrative approach to manifesting successful outcomes. Professionals can take their career to the next level by learning a heart-centered, innovative and empowering approach to time, life and business management. This inspiration-based approach is called coaching.
Tuition reimbursement is available through some employers. For more information, contact Laurel Inman, PCC, BCC, at 520-309-1777, or visit