Dr. Eben Alexander III Reprises Proof of Heaven

Dr. Eben Alexander III
Last year, Harvard neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander shared his near-death experience and the initial aftereffects that changed his worldview from that of a fundamental materialist scientist to acknowledging the greater reality that exists beyond the boundary of human death. Sponsored by Tucson IANDS Experience Sharing, Alexander will speak from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., April 17, at the Tucson Jewish Community Center.
Accompanying the talk will be a guided meditation by Karen Newell, co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, which uses binaural beats audio to engage the listener in a way that is similar to Alexander’s experience of the divine melody heard in his near-death experience.
Alexander will clarify many of the issues introduced or hinted at in his book, Proof of Heaven: that the deep mystery of consciousness (the emerging scientific notion that consciousness is not created by the brain, but filtered through it); the nature of the Oneness of all that is; that science and spirituality strengthen each other; that reincarnation (especially the scientific evidence for past life memories in children) is an established fact that demands a far richer view of consciousness and of our existence.
Alexander states, “Evolution and consciousness are intimately related; consciousness is crucially involved in unfolding reality and it is all about love, which has infinite power to heal in the grandest sense. We have nothing to fear, and are indeed living in a new world!”
Cost is $11 in advance;$16 day of event. Location: 3800 East River Rd. Advance ticket purchase recommended at EventBee.com/v/ties-apr17-guestspeaker. For more information, visit TucsonIANDS.org or call Chuck or Susan at 520-395-2365.