Continuing Education Course in Tai Chi

For those curious about tai chi but can’t fit weekly classes into their schedule, Heather Chalon, MPH, presents the Tai Chi for Health Institute’s Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention Program, on April 26 and 27. This workshop is designed by Dr. Paul Lam, M.D., and taught by Master Trainer Marty Kidder. It is designed for health and wellness practitioners and others that have a desire to learn and share the health benefits of the worldrenowned program from the Tai Chi for Health Institute.
The fee includes a Tai Chi for Health two-DVD set, tai chi handbook, two instructional wall charts, an electronic resource manual and morning and afternoon tea breaks. Tai Chi Health Part II will be offered on May 3 and 4.
The demand for more qualified instructors will continue to increase as more people experience the benefits of tai chi and qigong as a way to relax and heal in our fast-moving times, more health practitioners prescribe tai chi for their patients, and more focus is on the cost of falls and the rise of arthritis and stressrelated health conditions.
Cost is $250. Location: 1000 S. Randolph Way. Register at For more information, call 520-780-6751, email [email protected] or visit