Transformative Education and Children’s Health

Our two main themes this month, Transformative Education and Children’s Health, are not surprisingly, intertwined. If we want the next generation to make the world a better place for themselves and their own children, they have to be in pretty good shape, right?
That’s always been the case throughout history, but is it just me or are interests out there today like big corporations pushing GMOs, pesticides, hormones, corn syrup and pharmaceuticals down our throat at a breakneck pace? What’s up with that and why do we stand for it? I thought things were getting much better when, as a nation, we pretty much kicked the smoking habit. We must be ever vigilant.
But just as there will be many challenges to face in the years ahead for sure, there will also be new discoveries and opportunities that we can’t even imagine today. For those thinking about getting ready for a new school year, we’ve got some great advice in our pages, so think about kids’ safety, nutrition and just getting in the right mood and frame of mind to learn properly.
Our feature story, “Learning that transforms hearts and Minds,” by National Editor Linda Sechrist, offers a peek at new paradigms of education that allow students to find a holistic, sustainable path to knowledge that will not only serve their own interest, but those of an evolving planet. You’re also going to enjoy reading about the revolutionary, evolutionary art of local artist Gonzalo Espinosa, who returned to Tucson from a big project in Mexico in 2012. “Art and life are really one and the same,” says the muralist, who has a story to tell and an inspiring message to relate. Here in Tucson, we are contemplating some big transformations, too. The addition of new Marketing Director Barabara Peters is just the beginning, and we are now looking to give aspiring writers the chance to become published journalists and help our community in several ways. Who knows, it might even lead to a whole new career. We will train and mentor motivated individuals with an interest in lifestyles of health and sustainability (it’s called LOHAS for short) in this rewarding field. Just send a résumé and two writing samples to me, for consideration.
Let’s think ahead and put our best foot forward,
Holly Baker, Publisher