Prepare to Study Tai Chi with Dr. Paul Lam

Dr. Paul Lam and Heather Chalon
For the first time, Dr. Paul Lam is coming to Tucson on October 8 and 9, 2015, to present his Depth of Tai Chi Workshop, which has inspired thousands to deepen their tai chi practice and to become more effective teachers for those that choose to take the program into their local community. Lam’s workshop is part of a progression in personal and professional development as a tai chi and qigong practitioner. He is highly sought-after and this is a special opportunity to train with him locally.
Prerequisites for the core programs of the Tai Chi for Health Institute are Tai Chi for Health (TCH) Arthritis & Fall Prevention; and TCH Part II. Heather Chalon, MPH, a senior trainer with the Tai Chi for Health Institute, can help individuals accomplish these prerequisites ahead of Lam’s visit.
As tai chi is more widely sought for health and wellness, more qualified instructors are needed. This program is offering an evidence-based approach in both the program content and the teaching method; professional continuing education units and; progress for skills development, personally and professionally.
For more information and to register, call 520-780-6751, email Chalon at [email protected] or visit