Personal Music for Health and Wholeness

Suzanne Grosvenor
Suzanne Grosvenor, owner of Music for Health and Wholeness, is holding events on September 22 and October 24 to give people an opportunity to learn about Sound Portrait Transformative Music and sample it in person. She is discounting the fee for private Transformative Music Sound Portraits by 50 percent through October for all new and old clients.
Grosvenor began composing music at age 8. She studied music in college and at 30, while working as a professional musician, her awareness suddenly shifted. She became aware, almost overnight, of music and vibrations emanating through people and when she played the music for them, it had a healing effect.
Grosvenor takes the healing potential of music to a new level of fine-tuning. People she plays for report transformation and change, from accelerated healing of injuries and infections to finding relief from depression and more awareness of their true gifts and promise of their life purpose.
Clients report that Sound Portrait Transformative Music accelerates healing, can augment self-awareness, boost creativity, confidence, self-esteem and support life purpose, as well as many other benefits.
Cost is $5. Location: private residence. For more information, call 520-229-6282, email [email protected] or visit See ad page 13.