New Classes and New Location for River’s Way

Linda Focht
River’s Way Psychotherapy has moved to River’s Way Studio, at 7974 North Oracle Road, near Trader Joe’s in Northwest Tucson. The new space has more room for classes. In addition to the popular Connections Shame Resilience 12-week groups starting in September, there will also be a three-day Shame Resilience seminar to expand upon Dr. Brene Brown’s curriculum with more time for somatic, interactive and creative explorations of the material.
The Shame Resilience seminar will be held from September 26 through 28. The next series of Shame Resilience classes begins on September 30, with morning and evening groups available.
Linda Focht, MA, LPC, LMT, will be offering monthly expressive arts workshops in the areas of qigong, the Five Elements, soul collage, Sculpey soul figures, fiber art, enneagrams and more.
For more information, call 520-369-4017 or visit See ad page 6.