Chiropractic Research Addresses More than Back Pain

There is a common misconception that chiropractic care is only beneficial for neck and back pain. While it has been suggested as the most effective, conservative care for such issues, chiropractic can be much more far-reaching than this. The idea that chiropractic can result in improved wellness on multiple levels is supported by the largest chiropractic research study of its kind, using a subluxation-based tonal model of chiropractic care.
This study retrospectively gathered surveys from nearly 3,000 participants that reported the effects of their chiropractic care. The results included a significant perceived improvement in overall quality of life, as well as improvements in four areas of health: stress, life enjoyment, physical state and emotional state.
The impact of this ground-breaking study is to illustrate a strong association with chiropractic care and self-reported, positive changes in one’s overall health and wellness. It supports the hypothesis that chiropractic can be more than just back care, with the possibility of benefiting patients on many levels of their health and well-being by helping to remove interference in nervous system communication.
Lee Ann Kalaba, DC, operates Be Now Chiropractic, utilizing a gentle approach to chiropractic in Torque Release Technique. For a free consultation, call 520-484-3471. For more information, visit See ad page 39.