Women’s Frontier Workshop

Licia Berry, of Frontier Woman, Inc., will hold The Frontier Inside women’s retreat – the Path to Personal Power, from October 24 to 26 at Tucson Botanical Gardens. Berry, the author of Soul Compost – Transforming Adversity into Spiritual Growth and The Wild Woman’s Guide to the Frontier Inside, says, “Many women are uncomfortable with their power and being fully and authentically themselves. This retreat is designed to take women on a creative, introspective inner journey to the heart of their power and to unleash permission to be who they really are!”
Participants will learn their gifts, strengths and special powers through intimate creative workshop activities. “This retreat is for women who hear the call to something bigger, feel a yearning to be more, but they may not know what it is or how to get there,” says Berry.
Space is limited to 40 women. Location: 2150 N. Alvernon Way. Register at 850-661-9370, [email protected] or
LiciaBerry.com/the-frontier-inside. See ad, page 11.