You Don’t Have to Live with Pain

Applied Physical Medicine/Tygiel Physical Therapy has two doctors of physical therapy on staff and a master of physical therapy with 25 years of experience. More than 80 percent of the population will experience low back pain at some time in their lives, and people develop compensations that help for a little while, but only make things worse in the long run. At Applied Physical medicine, patients receive a combination of soft tissue mobilization and therapeutic exercise to become an active person again.
Noah Abrahams says, “I have found a protocol that works with certain patients. I can help you if the following hold true: you have pain when you stand up; you have pain when you walk; the pain decreases when you sit down; you may even feel the need to rest on the shopping cart at the grocery store. We have been able to help large numbers of clients with this specific approach, even our own family members.”
Location: 6606 E. Carondelet Dr. For appointments, call 520-296-8513 or visit See ad, page 23.