James Van Praagh to Appear in Tucson

James Van Praagh
James Van Praagh isn’t out to convince anyone that his connections to the spirit world are real. The renowned medium, who has done demonstrations around the world and on Oprah and Larry King Live prefers to let his work speak for itself, and it often speaks loud and clear. “Most of the people who come to these shows leave different,” says Van Praagh, who is presenting at 7:30 p.m., November 7, at Fox Tucson Theatre.
His two-day workshop, Master Your Power Within: Working with the Energy In Your Life to Manifest Health, Love, Money and Wonderful Opportunities, will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., November 8 and 9, at the Radisson Suites. Check-in time is 9 a.m.
Van Praagh’s shows are a mix of entertainment, humor, healing meditation and amazement. There are no pointy hats or wizard robes, no smoke and mirrors. He starts with a brief introduction, throwing in a good dose of humor about his own abilities and how it works for him. Then there is a guided meditation he calls a “mind journey” to prepare the guests for the experience.
When everyone is relaxed and more open to connecting with them, Van Praagh starts getting information from spirits. He then connects them to members of the audience, most of whom walk away amazed. “I’ve seen so many jaws drop in the past 30 years,” he says.
Van Praagh started seeing spirits as a child at about age 6, but he didn’t know what it was. He believes his abilities are hereditary, because his mother and grandfather also had connections to the supernatural realm. He considers himself a teacher first and foremost, and that’s where he gets joy from what he does.
“Strengthening your connection to your spiritual self, your intuition and managing your energetic aspects isn’t just a parlor trick, it’s a very real way to make your daily life happier, healthier and more compassionate and mindful,” he says.
His two-day workshop is designed to help people with those things in addition to helping them shape their personal evolution. It isn’t likely to happen in a revelation or moment of clarity. “I believe we’re all connected as one; we’re all one,” says Van Praagh. “This energy, whatever you’re putting out, you’re going to get back. I love seeing the lights go on in people’s heads when they get a concept.”
Admission: $29 to $99 for Fox; $300/$350 for Radisson. Location: Fox Theatre Tucson, 17 W. Congress St.; Radisson Suites, 6555 E. Speedway Blvd. For tickets, visit NewGroundEvents.com.