Healing the Body with an Intuitive Mind

Serina French
Serina French, a massage therapist, psychic and stress management coach, teaches her clients how to live with peace, joy and a sense of purpose; feeling energized and living a far better version of themselves. During her massage, she uses her psychic ability to tune in to a body for imbalance or unhealthy thoughts affecting their physical state. Using her hands, she channels healing energy into the affected area to release pain and/or restore balance.
If desired, following the reading/healing process, clients are given an interpretation of the message their body is sending them and what may be triggering the breakdown of their health. Fortunately, it’s always possible to reverse a condition by practicing certain techniques. Feeling joy and controlling our thoughts during stressful situations is the key to living life with purpose and enthusiasm, with a body that wants to go along for the ride.
For appointments, call Serina French at 520-615-6139. See ad page 31.