New Book Adds Years to Life

Dr. Victor Shamas and Jhan Kold
Dr. Victor Shamas and Jhan Kold, two health researchers that have authored a new book, Repose: The Potent Pause, are on a mission to help people live longer and stay younger by giving away free copies between November 6 and 8.
The book reveals a new health tool that the authors claim increases life expectancy, slows down aging, eliminates stress, elevates mood, reduces pain, improves sleep and enhances productivity.
“Individuals who practice Repose for 30 days show significant improvement in their physical health and psychological well-being, which in turn increases their chances of living longer and decreases their rate of cellular aging,” says Shamas, a University of Arizona health psychologist.
Kold, a Tucson-based rehabilitation specialist, says, “In less than a minute, I can teach Repose to just about anyone. It costs nothing and there is no special equipment needed. Given that the benefits of Repose are so great and the cost of time and money so low, the decision to incorporate Repose into your daily life seems like a no-brainer.”
To receive a free download, visit For more information, call 520-838-4194.