Find Peace of Mind at Unity in Eight Weeks

Nita Strauss
Unity Minister Nita Strauss, of Unity Spiritual Center of Peace, states, “In the midst of the rush of the holidays, many people begin to realize that they would like less stress and more peace of mind. There are simple practices which can actually deliver both of those desired outcomes.” Unity Spiritual Center of Peace will present a series of lessons partly based on the book, Happier, by Tal Ben-Shahar, Ph.D., from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. for eight Sundays, from January 4 through February 22, 2015.
The Greater Good Science Center, at the University of California, Berkeley, reports, “In addition to making people feel better, cultivating happiness reaps benefits in the areas of health, relationships, productivity, generosity and society as a whole. Stress is relieved, creativity is increased and coping skills are enhanced.”
“The new year is traditionally a time to change. While many new year’s resolutions do indeed fail after a short time, folks who are sincerely committed to transformation will find that it is a good time for first steps,” says Strauss.
Admission is free. Location: 1551 S. Eastside Loop, Ste.121. For more information, call 520-546-3696, email [email protected] or visit See ad page 32.